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Mr.Eric van der Hoeff(埃里克?范?德?霍夫)

发布时间:2017年07月19日 17:29 阅读次数:来源: 果茶站 打印本页 关闭窗口

Mr.Eric van der Hoeff(埃里克···霍夫)    荷兰水果咨询公司创始人,主要从事果园灌溉管理及水肥一体化技术的研究。(荷兰)

Eric van der HoeffNetherlands

Eric van der Hoeff, founder of Fruitconsult, specialised private advisory serviceburo for fruitgrowers

Fertilisation and watersupply is one of the most important factors for optimal growth of the trees and a good fruitquality. The tree responds to waterstress in a different way depending on the stage of tree- and fruitdevelopment. This can be used to regulate the harvest.

A lot of orchards suffer from sub-optimal nutrient content. Analysing the soil, leaves and fruits is necessary to develop an optimal fertilisation plan to prevent problems. At the moment a tree shows visually his nutrient deficiency, the damage is already done.

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